Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fiona's Zoo Day

Fiona and I went to the Santa Ana Zoo today. On the way we talked about all the different animals that can be seen at the zoo. Fiona especially wanted to see the monkeys, the crocodiles, and the lions.

The last time I took the girls to the zoo by myself was about two years ago when we went to the San Diego Zoo. Fiona sat in the stroller and stared at every animal while Moira kept us moving to the next one after about 3 seconds. So I was really expecting Fiona to have a great day watching the animals without Moira pushing her on.

We get there and discover that the Santa Ana Zoo is not a modern zoo and only accepts cash. So Fiona and I are walking back to the car (well, I'm walking. Fiona is riding on my shoulders) to go get some cash and we have the following conversation:

Fiona: Where are we going?
Daddy: To get some cash.
Fiona: Why?
Daddy: To go to the zoo.
Fiona: My tall dinosaur has cash.
Daddy: Ok, but tall dinosaur probably has prehistoric cash and we need modern cash.
Fiona: I have cash. See? (Fiona holds out an empty hand)
Daddy: Yes. But I don't think the zoo will take that cash.
Fiona: Ok. I should put it back in my pocket.

A little while later, we have negotiated the entrance fee and are looking for our first exotic animal. The Santa Ana Zoo has an Amazon basin birds exhibit, so we wander into that first. After about ten minutes, we have found some red slider turtles. Another five minutes and we find two blue birds of unknown name in a tree.

Daddy: Look, Fiona, birds.
Fiona: Yes. Daddy? Can we go down there? (points further down the path)
Daddy: But Fiona, we found the birds. Finally. See?
Fiona: Yes. They go tweet tweet. Can we go down there?

Ok, I think, Fiona's not into birds. Never really has been. I blame Healy. Let's move on.

Some more wandering and we finally come to the monkeys that Fiona wanted to see so badly.

Daddy: Look, Fiona. Monkeys. (reads sign) Golden faced sakis, actually.
Fiona: Monkeys!
Daddy: Yes. Monkeys.
Fiona: Can we go down there? (points further down the path)
Daddy: Oookaay.

Daddy: Look, Fiona. More monkeys. Red handed gibbons.
Fiona: Monkeys! (pause) Can we go down there?
Daddy: In a second. Do you see the monkeys?
Fiona: Yes.
Daddy: Are you sure? Where's the monkey?
Fiona (pointing at the monkey on a tree) There. (Points further down the path) Can we go down there?

Not sure if she was looking for the crocodiles or the lions. Or maybe four year olds have to keep moving to survive.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Learning the words

Moira went to Nana's house today

Over their day they decided to make dinner for Mommy and Daddy. One treat on the menu was "Ants on a log".

While preparing this dish, this following conversation happened......

Nana: Just put a couple on

Moira: How many is a couple?

Nana: More than 2

Moira: That's 3, where do you get these words? You talk funny like my Mommy.

Nana: Well I taught your mommy how to talk

Moira: Why'd you teach her funny words?

Brothers are just like pets......

As with all colds that Declan catches, they go right to his chest with a wheeze. As Moira snuggled him awake, she announced....."Oh, he's purring!"

Who needs a cat when you have a little brother!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fiona's reference......

As we drove past Barnes and Noble yesterday .......

Fiona - I go to that lie-berry.

Yes Fiona, yes you do!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fiona picks a career (or corrupting a minor, part I)

Last Friday, I had some neighbors over to play poker for fun. During the first hour, the girls were still up and not very willing to accept that Daddy couldn't pay attention to them. Fiona came up at one point, pointed to the poker chips, and asked:

Fiona: What's that?
Daddy: Poker chips.
Fiona: For what?
Daddy: For the game Daddy is playing.
Fiona: You're playing poker? With chips?
Daddy: Yes.
Fiona: You're a poker player!
Daddy: Yes.

So all week, Fiona has randomly been announcing to everyone: "I'm going to be a poker player!"

Moira's Muscles Play Soccer

Today was Moira's first game of the spring season:

Daddy: You did very good out there, Moira!
Moira: I wanted to go fast, so I told my muscles to go fast, and they did!
Daddy: Yes. I'm very proud of you.
Moira: No, you are proud of my muscles!

And not that we keep score - but Moira got a goal!

Moira grasps the obvious

So Thursday night, Moira and her mother were going round and round again, which culminated in Moira getting put in time out by me. Which she refused to do. Meanwhile, Healy and Fiona went upstairs to get ready for bed while I did the dishes.

Moira would go upstairs, at which point Healy would send her back down to me, where Moira would then argue her point that she did not want to do her time out. This went on several trips and then, suddenly, silence. So I figured I should investigate.

I found Moira sitting on the stairs (which is where we do time outs). So I asked her if she wanted me to set the timer so she could do her timeout:

Moira: No! I am not doing my timeout.
Daddy: Then what are you doing?
Moira: I'm afraid if I go upstairs, Mommy will send me back down.
Daddy: So your plan is to sit quietly on the stairs and not move?
Moira nods her head.
Daddy: Isn't that what you do for timeout?
Moira tilts head and thinks for a moment, then nods her head.
Daddy: So, shall I set the timer for you to do your timeout?
Moira considers for a moment, then nods her head.

Twenty minutes later, time out served, Moira was in her pajamas and in bed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kids - Just so cute.........

Everyday I seem to enjoy the kids more and more (even when they drive me crazy). Tonight Moira was trying to negotiate for candy instead of cookies, for her after dinner dessert. Her reason for candy being better, was "I've had too much sugar Mom". Hmmm That didn't get her the results she wanted.

Fiona on the other hand was really upset with her brother for pulling her hair. "He's gonna be balding me". But getting to wear her dinosaur PJ's and sleep with Tall Dinosaur makes it all better.

Declan must be teething, since anything he can find is good for grinding his gums on, including his sisters.

It seems that there is always a super cute moment, that is 100% cuter than the super cute moment I just saw!

Just too much fun!!!

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Friday, March 6, 2009

How to Speak MacPhail-ese

How to Speak MacPhail-ese

Here are a few tips for being able to understand the language in the Land O’ the MacPhail’s.

Horn Dog – Corn Dog – A favorite dinner treat with lots of ketchup but no mustard regardless of how much Daddy tries.

Ka-jamas – Pajamas – An incredibly important and strategic fashion choice each evening.

Hosstable – Hospital – That place that Mommy is always going to with Declan.

Deck-A-lan – Declan – The best brother in the world.

Big Marshmallow - The acceptable reward for using the potty and not to be confused with a Little Marshmallow, which is only acceptable for recognizing "Good tries".

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

MGM - 5 yrs 2 months - Super!

Moira is now 5 years old, with everything that comes along with being 5! Yesterday she had a melt down when Ryan asked her to put her shoes on, and he specifically told her her left shoe first. (A little Kindergarten prep). However, Moira started crying. When I could finally get her to explain why she is so upset.......

She doesn't have a left foot because, she can't make an "L" with her feet. She has learned left from right by the L you make with your thumb and forefinger. When her feet wouldn't do that - she thought that she didn't have a left foot.

Not to fear, Mommy reassured her that she does indeed have a left foot - she has a WHOLE left side!

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